Fast Fat Loss (Slow Carbs)
Do the words “slow carbs” cause you to lose weight faster? Or, do ” sprint carbs ” cause fat loss toward your goal? There is a simple answer to both questions.
Before I get to the science behind fast fat loss, let me explain a bit more about weight loss and fat loss. Basically the more calories you burn, the more body fat you lose, so this is a loose definition of fast fat loss. What I mean is this – losing weight is viewed as being equal to burning fat. Every diet program you read will burn fat for as long as the diet will be in existence; it is as simple as that. I will give the diet program that shuts off carbs as being a really good diet for fat loss, but then again any good diet is going to cause fat loss, even if it caused you to burn a few extra hundred calories a day. There is no way to spin things around and say happened, what happened. For you, the best way to lose fat is exactly reverse of this.

Fast Fat Loss
So what was I saying? We lose weight either by burning fat through exercise or by cutting down calories. Few people have an exercise program and stick to it long enough to really lose weight, be fit and healthy or increase their strength. For most people, the problem is simply staying with the program to achieve the results they seek. You can achieve fast fat loss by increasing the amount of energy you burn each day in a way that gives you just what you want, without having the side effect of burning from muscle. That sounds crazy doesn’t it? It isn’t! Actually, there is a way to do it, and it is completely safe, free, and simple.
Tabata method
It is called the Tabata method, and you may know of it by having heard of it from an old Japanese mystery novel. The original training regimen uses 20 seconds of all out effort, followed by 10 seconds of rest, then 20 seconds of all out, followed by 10 more seconds of rest and so on. If you have ever done this, as I have, you’ll realize that the time required to ‘fulfill’ the 20 seconds is actually slightly longer than 20 seconds. You finish with a cool down, of 10 seconds of all out effort.

Needless to say, most fad diets try to compete with this. They use a form of exercise that utilizes high-intensity interval training. They have one form of ‘healthy’ carbs to do the same thing (765 gynecological mapping ranking franchise foods U.K. a few years back). Before thinking twice, though – and contrary to popular belief – you can do these fast fat loss / muscle gain routines today. Including the 20 seconds ‘rest’. They make it and they use it – you can’t ‘out burn’ what you put in your mouth. (That I know in abundance in the combat sports community! Actually, while I have written and fought in martial arts, I have not had to sweat it out in the gym – or even realize how tough 20 seconds of all out effort is), unless you choose to adopt a really rigorous training program.
Fat loss is not about ‘cardio’ or winter training, it’s about interval training that builds strength and capabilities without creating a lot of stress.
Here the author believes in doing things the right way, and his method fits that. It doesn’t require four to six hours of training per week, and it is all day, every day. In addition, it’s Research-based Nutrition and Fitness, and might as well say ‘No Pain, No Gain’. Of course, that goes against conventional thinking – but then who comes up with these supposed dementia, brawls and misconceptions anyway?
What you get is a workable, practical as well as effective method of weight loss. So if you want to exercise for weight loss but you are skeptic as to what you can do in an effort to do it, this might be the method you prefer. Moreover, it’s not a product, so you get value for money and more importantly, results.
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