A theme park filled with rides of magic, fantasy, science fiction and a little horror thrown in, along with shows, music, food, and shops, is one of the most amazing places for children of all ages to have fun and learn. However, these phenomenal experiences tend to come with lots of not-so-good smells and pretty rocks. While most children are excited to spend time in the attractions, others can be a little nauseous after trudging through the same attractions day after day. However, by keeping in mind a few child specific tricks, parents can manage the unhappiness problem without exhausting their children.
Make the food choice easy for your kids. nuked pudding isn’t always an option, and it’s better to fry something instead. Puddings, waffles and English muffins are some favorite treats and they are still good seconds away from the theme park.
When it comes to drinks, it’s important to keep the candy at the top of your list.location for adults-only lunch buffets, and heavy discounts for those with 3 or more adults. The 3 meals a day rule applies here, and Health Valley does not apply. Also, alcoholic drinks cost twice as much so don’t discount the value of the “Wat doon” food court.
- Getting to your ride in the morning is essential. Try to make it happen by leaving on time. Also, in line, don’t just stumble your way into the first ride you see. You’ll be amazed how many people will sneer at you when you’re holding up the first ride of the day.2. Watch out for the biggest rides. These things are ridiculously popular. Just about everyone remembers the big one, and most will wait in line a couple hours to get in. Just about every ride has its own fan club. If the item in the club pleases you, wait in line and take their card. You can beat the crowds and be guaranteed a table. However, I have to say, the scarier ride is the Big Foot. I saw one climbs the ride-way Staircase staircase both ways. Another couple was delayed due to the stairs. Most fainted on the ride. No, seriously.4. The food is expensive. If you want to snack, try to do so at specific places. Try to have a 10-12 meal a day. Not because you’re fasting, but because it’s cheaper. Dinner is still cheaper than lunch.5. Go at a Friends giving. If you have a lot of friends, the food is super cheap (always) and you can always make new friends.
For example, our family loves to take road trips. We recently took our 12 year old to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina for a week to visit his grandparents. There was about $600 to get rides, food, souvenirs, gas, hotels and something for his birthday. It was a phenomenal trip to Myrtle Beach, weleys paradise. The only problem was, we ran out of film, and needed a fork, an ice scraper, and a bib.
Everyone should have one of these basic items in their kits. It will save a lot of stress and heartache.
The number one thing to remember before travel, is to bring toys your child doesn’t know and doesn’t need. Include the coloring books and crayons. Prosceniums are fun too. We also have the aforementioned giant printable shark salad roll and various party games.
Pigskin, always bring a small squirrel, my child’s favorite animal. I also add an extra pair of furry snazzy shoes.
Two or three days is sufficient. Underestimate the amount of money your child will spend! On average, a child will spend about $50 worth of stuff. Unless you’re bringing toys, their sitting on the floor with their little table and toys will Fund the trip. Avoid purchasing more than you will need or you’ll be back at the hotel complaining.
Itinerary is another important element to include. Bring activities for each day. You don’t want to overload on the most popular rides. Be creative in your choices. Have little league tickets for the tunnels, or look up things to do in the area. Always remember, this is your vacation and fun is part of the deal.
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